- Sukawati Market
- Monket Forest
- Lunch @ Dirty Duck, Bebek Bengil
- Goa Gaja, Elephant Cave
- Gunung Kawi
- Dinner @ Lotus Cafe

Offerings, a daily routine for the Balinese.


A trip to Sukawati Market is a must. This is a big market catered for the locals. Bargain hard is a must.

You will see this offerings everywhere.

Bebek Bengil or Dirty Duck Diner. There's a nice padi field behind the restaurant.

Monkey Forest. Beware of your bottles and food.

Goa Gaja, Elephant Cave

Gunung Kawi.

To view the relief, you will need to walk down a long flight of stairs. But the rice terrace long the route is simply rewarding.

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