Monday, October 13, 2008


The great thing about travel is uncertainties, especially in undeveloped countries where you may wait for half a day to catch that bus ride. But at time these uncertainties sprout new opportunities. Take for example, on my first day in Bohol, I rented a tricycle to bring me around. While on our way to the bee farm, the tricycle rear wheel got punctured! worst still we are in the middle of no where. The poor bike has to slowly make its way to a repair shop which is again in the middle of no where! It's 5.30pm and the sky starts to dim! There goes my visit to the bee farm!

While the driver went to purchase a new tubing, I started to wonder around the garage and found a 2nd generation
Toyota Celica! The owner was pretty proud and claim that it is in tip top condition and offered me to purchase it. He then pointed to the next house and signals me to get a drink? Later I found out it is a "ma ma shop", provision store. I reckon its a family own 7-11, selling all sort of tibits and some soft drinks. I ordered a coke for 14peso!

After an hour of repair, we made our way back to the resort. Lady luck was not on our side as the tyre got punctured for a second time! Luckily we were closer to Alona beach this time round. Richard , no.58 recommended a roast chicken stall that is frequent by Chinese and locals. This happen to be one of the best chicken I have tasted and it makes its way to our dinner table for the following 2 nights.

1 comment:

dreams come true said...

Hi Matt,

Just wanted to say that I left a comment after yours in Bekah's blog. I especially enjoyed reading on your posts on Bohol. Reason - I'm going there in Dec. If there's anything interesting that you can share about that place or what-to-dos that are not already here, I'd be most happy to hear them!

PS Your photos are really good. I love the portraits of your friends in Bohol. I'm very inspired to buy a Canon Ixy now - though I can't decide between the 920IS & 3000IS.